I never set out to seek a fight. But I won't back down when confronted
with an injustice. Mr Harry Mathews operates a web forum called
"Smokstak" purportedly for 'old engine enthusiasts'. However, he seems
to only encourage a certain KIND of old engine enthusiast to belong.
Several months ago, my posting priveleges were curtailed in the off
topic forum by Mr Matthews for point out certain factual inaccuracies,
and fallacies posted by agroup of ultra conservative posters. This
resulted in me getting jumped on by a group of these folks any time I
posted much of anything on that subforum. Not backing down from my
position that 'a lie was a lie, no matter who tells it', made ME the
troublemaker. I was banned, the others it seems, were not.
Fast forward to January. I posted a link to a gallery of nice
photos.see: http://kimandmik.deviantart.com/gallery/ About half
steam related in his steam forum. The post was removed by Mr Matthews.
Inquiring why, I was met with a very unproffessional response to the
effect that any content hosted at the place the gallery was was
unwelcome, acussing me of changing the content of the gallery ("
I don't give a crap who runs that site or who their friends are, they
will not be a part of my site. Incidentally, the artwork they presented
shifted to other material from the stuff I saw when I first looked and
it apparently shifts at random. Interesting too that your own photos in
your link were all changed since I first looked."), acusing me of being a troublemaker, and threatening to 'nuke' my account.
I wrote him a polite reply saying I had not tried to cause trouble,
merely inquired what rule had been violated. In response, he
re-instated the thread, then promptly deleted my account.
While, it may be his property to do with as he sees fit. It is also
promoted as a public forum for old engine enthusiasts, and as such, he
needs to be more professional and neutral in his manner and decisions,
leave the moderating to those who can, or post clearly in his terms and
rules that only conservative viewpoints are encourage, and those daring
to post opinions that he disagrees with will come under more intense
scrutiny and be held to higher standards than those whom he likes.
Anything less is being disingenous.