The little station at Promise
A Christmas Story
"Daddy?" "Yes, Pumpkin?" "Can you make me a station for my train?" "Of
course. Do you want a big one or a little one?" "Um, a little one." "OK,
I'll make you one for Christmas, short stuff." "You promise?" "I promise."
was right after Halloween 2009. I figured I had PLENTY of time. Then things
happened, and it just sorta slipped my mind.... Until Dec 24,at work. - A
customer, who knows I sometimes make wooden toys, asked me what I'd made
my girls for Christmas this year, and.... Oh, crap!
Since we closed early, I STILL had time to keep that promise made so blithely two months before...... maybe...... So I hoped.
7PM, Christmas Eve...I gulped my dinner, put Bing Crosby on the stereo,
scrounged up some coroplast and some wood scraps, and settled down for
a long night's work.
By 8:30, It was starting to look something like a train station... or maybe a section house?
9:45PM, "It's a Wonderful Life" is talking to itself on the television,
and there I was, busily slopping on the first coat of color even though the glue was definitely not quite dry.
11:30PM, It took 3 tries to get the roof to look half decent.... "haste makes waste" ... and complete frustration!
1 AM, Christmas Morning.... Is it finished yet? No. But the base coats
of paint need to dry a bit more before I can give it a final coat.
Patience, patience... Trying to rush things too much at that point would have just ruined
2:15AM, Promise kept! - if barely. She may not have even remembered the
conversation, but I did.... And I kept my word to my little girl.
Christmas morning: She said "It's just the right size!", put it with
her trains.... then watched a movie the rest of the afternoon.
She was 9... So I didn't expect much.
But the station name will always be a reminder to me.