Chasing a Fallen Flag - The Allegheny Valley RR
 The real Allegheny Valley in vintage photos
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One thing that has always hindered me with researching the Allegheny Valley has been the lack of photographs - especially pre-Pennsy. They are out there, just scattered and hard to find. Many are in private collections or historical society archives and not often published. For the purpose of study for the scholar, history buff or model builder I've brought a few together here. I make no claims of ownership.I've tried to give credit to where they were found, If these are yours, you do not feel this is fair use, and you would like them removed, please contact me. If you have photos you'd like to share, please conntact me as well.

For the longest time this was the only photo I could find. It is of the roundhouse at Oil City, Pa in the1870s or 1880s

Locomotive #818 at Kiskikimenetas Junction was the second photo that I was able to turn up

Then a friend from California found these Jackson and Sharp builder photos in the Delaware State Archives
1872 coach #28

1900 combine #61

 The Southwestern Pennsyvania Bituminous Coal Mining database yielded a couple more from Butler Junction which was in Allegheny County, just across the river from Freeport, Pa

And the Railroad Station Historical Society database had postcard of the station at Kittanning, Pa

The library of Congress archives yielded a couple photos of the Oil City  roundhouse in 1971

These photos of Sarah Furnace were on a geneology site

 That was pretty much what I could find until I saw this wreck photo on an Oil City history page

While trying to find a date for the above photo, I stumbled across a Yahoo group dedicated to the Allegheny Valley RR! I'd never found it before because it was buried so deep in the search listings. They have a collection of pictures, but are only viewable by members. I'm only presenting a sampling here.

Kelly Station and the fatal 1907 wreck

The main offices of the Allegheny Pittsburgh, Pa. which were torn down in 1902

Locomotive #788 somewhere along the line

 Pennsy #242 at Phillipston, Pa  in 1955

The Inn at Foxburg, Pa with the AV tracks in the foreground

Foxburg Station

Oakmont, Pa station

The tin mill at New Kensington along the AVRR

Kiskikimenetas Junction in 1966

A train at Redbank, Pa in the 50s

Redbank Station in 1910

The station and shops at Verona, Pa

Pennsy geep #7101 at Verona in 1966

.Dinkies and cars in Sligo, Pa

And a wreck near Sligo in Jan of 1919

The stations at Arnold and Ford City

The station at Edgewater and a wreck there

A train at Emlenton

Kennerdell and Unity Stations

A postcard of Vandergrift station

Rimersburg and Hulton

I hope you enjoyed the tour. There are more vintage and modern photos found on the other xploring pages below.
Thanks for looking!

Part 1- Ford City to Kittanning
Part 2 - Garvers Ferry/Butler Junction to Ford City
Part 3 - Franklin and Oil City

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This page is part of the Allegheny Valley Garden Railroad pages