Chasing a Fallen Flag - The Allegheny Valley RR
 Oct 29 2010 - Ford City to  Kittanning
AV logo

I had intended to begin chasing the Right of Way at Kiskiminetis Junction, but we had to pick my daughter up in Kittanning, so my girlfrind Kim and I decided to take a couple hours and explored nearby. The old RoW here is now a trail, not a lot of evidence left that it was once a railroad dating back to 1856. The day was very cool breezy and damp, not much fun to walk in for long, so many of the following photos were shot from the car.
. The Armstrong Trail
trail sign

South of Ford City looking north. The old railbed is the paved strip to the right.

Ford City Depot  back then, looking South And also in an 1896 Panoramic Map 

Just south of the area above,  looking north. The glassworks building on the right in the above photo can just be seen in the distance. It is in the process of being demolished

Heading North out of Ford City towards Graff The RoW becomes a gravel strip.
leaving Ford City

Graff, the RoW ran where the burn pit and cars are

Manorville station, then

Manorville now, again, the RoW ran where the trash barrels are

Standing under the Rt 422 bridge looking south toward Manorville after a 15 minute walk from Kittanning
looking south

View of the river and a towboats from the RoW near the 422 bridge

A fallen telephone pole along the RoW. The first telephone lines in Armstrong County were strung alongside the Allegheny Valley RR  in 1863 and later taken over by Western Union

The railroad in this area was on a ledge cut about 20 feet above the river, with a steep drop to the water.

The on other side was a rocky bluff going almost straight up for another 60 feet

Cut stone and rubble. 

More cut stones

And a chimney above the RoW in the middle of nowhere?

Heading north coming into the bend going into Kittanning
river bend

Entering Kittanning, the RoW runs under the overpass. There also was a spur off to the left here shown in an 1896 panoramic map , serving several industries, then  running along the river's edge to just beyond Citizen's Bridge. I want to check with the local Historical Society on this before I commit, that it ever went farther, and when it was taken up.
enter kitt

Heading north through town towards Kittanning Station. This portion of the trail is again paved

Postcard of Kittanning Station then, after the AV became part of the PRR
kit then

Kittanning Station now South, Front, North

Directly behind the station stands this interesting structure. A transfer warehouse? A service building? 

It's proximity and alignment with the depot suggests much. As does the 1896 panorama map. I'll have to look into this more. The Historical Society was closed.

Again heading north from directly in front of the Kittanning station
kit station north

Heading north out of Kittanning towards Neale
N Kit

View of the RoW from the highway about 1/2 mile outside Kittanning
Oct 29 end

We were running short on time, so that's all the further we managed to explore today. I hope you all have enjoyed the trip so far, short as it was.
Thanks for looking!

Part 2 - Garvers Ferry/Butler Junction to Ford City
Part 3 - Franklin and Oil City

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